Categories: Performance

Why We’re Looking Forward to the Release of Android O

There are many exciting features to look forward to with the release of Android O. The Android 8.0 update will help you to get things done faster than ever before with an improved boot speed.

The reason for improved speed is because it has double the boot speed when powering up your Android. This boot speed can vary, though, because the boot speed was measured on the Google Pixel, but it’s very likely that every Android will benefit from a faster boot speed.

Improved Battery Life
Another benefit of Android Oreo is that it can improve your battery life. It saves battery by minimizing the background activity in the apps that you rarely use. A major battery drainer is when apps run in the background of your phone because they use up your battery even when you’re not actually using the app. The new Android update will go through your app activity to see which ones you use the least, and prevent them from running too much background activity that would waste your battery life.

Read More: Which Android Apps Should You Be Locking?

Picture-in-Picture Capability
With this new picture-in-picture function, you can have two apps open at once, allowing you to better multitask. Have you ever been video chatting with a friend but wanted to google something? Now you don’t have to choose between the two apps. You can have your video chat window open while you google and be able to see both apps at once on your Android. This new feature will make you much more productive because you can do two things at once.

Makes App Use Easier
One new feature of Android Oreo is notification dots. These dots make it much easier to see what your notifications are because they pop up on screen instead of on the top toolbar. Another great part of these notification dots is that once you’ve read what they have to say, you can easily clear them by swiping away. In addition to the notification dots, Android 8.0 will also include Android Instant Apps. These apps let you to run your apps instantly, without having to wait for installation. These instant apps are fast with beautiful user interfaces, high performance, and great capabilities; you can open them just by tapping. No more waiting around for installation!

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The dfndr blog is an informative channel that presents exclusive content on security and privacy in the mobile and business world, with tips to keep users protected. Populated by a select group of expert reporters, the channel has a partnership with dfndr lab's security team. Together they bring you, first-notice news about attacks, scams, internet vulnerabilities, malware and everything affecting cybersecurity.

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