The Vast Potential That Exists for Intelligent Apps
There is limitless potential for intelligent apps — But what exactly are intelligent apps? Find out what they are and how they’re being used today
At first, the very idea of an intelligent app can be confusing: isn’t it just an app that uses artificial intelligence? According to app developer Mendix, intelligent apps are defined as smart apps that “are innovative systems that gather tremendous amounts of data from sensors and other sources, using machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics to make this information actionable for users and to improve experiences.” But that definition is still pretty dense, so let’s try to break it down: the following are a few of the benefits of intelligent apps, as well as a few examples of the recent proliferation of intelligent apps, including some of the industries that have utilized intelligent apps.
Intelligent apps are about, well, intelligence.
Rather than using human knowledge, these apps utilize computer algorithms and formulas to make recommendations and guides. The recommendations can play a crucial role in the maintenance of businesses and nonprofits alike. As a result, intelligent apps have become a vehicle for maintaining these types of organizations.
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Intelligent apps are proactive.
Intelligent apps utilize automatic “chat bots” and messaging services to automatically communicate with users so that the apps can be better informed about what users are doing. In addition, push notifications are sent directly to the user.
Airlines are using intelligent apps.
One major airline has developed a smart application that enables engineers to have a live view of the airplane’s maintenance systems. With this live view, engineers are able to streamline the constant maintenance of every single airplane piece. They can simply view their smart application and see a comprehensive view of the airplane’s maintenance status. Not only is this helping to promote the efficiency of engineers’ work, but, it’s also benefiting consumers by helping to keep planes on time. Simply put, quicker engineering means quicker repairs, so planes can get off the runway more efficiently.
Intelligent apps exist for facility management.
Have you ever visited a building that’s out of supplies? Intelligent apps can help prevent that. Facility management applications alert staff whenever a certain service is lacking. Even for something as simple as a bathroom stall being out of toilet paper, internal sensors can send a push notification to a manager’s phone, keeping every piece of a facility working in sync.
A closer look: you already use intelligent apps.
Intelligent apps are, of course, used beyond these industries. In fact, you’re already using an intelligent app right now! DFNDR is actually a Smart Assistant, because it is constantly scanning your device for security threats and to report on the status of your phone’s storage. It updates you in real time with intelligent notifications — even if you haven’t prompted it. Keep using DFNDR, and you’ll always have up-to-date smart technology on your Android device.