Why Does Ransomware Often Go Undetected?
Believe it or not, your Android could be infected by dangerous ransomware right now — and by the time you find out — it’s too late! Keep reading to find out the signs.
Ransomware is a menace against Androids everywhere in the world. Once this malware is active, it can hold your phone hostage by locking you out of your phone and then demanding a ransom payment for you to get access again. Sneaky, destructive, and ever-changing, ransomware is very difficult to remove. Indeed, one of the worst features of this malware is how long ransomware can go undetected. Before you realize it’s there, the damage could already be done. Use Full Virus Scan to check for and remove any ransomware or malware on your smartphone:

Read More: Ransomware Attacks Are Increasing on Android
How Ransomware Stays Hidden on Your Phone
- You download a legitimate Google Play app that has become infected. This issue happened most recently with a Russian entertainment app. This app has between 50 million and 100 million users, and they all downloaded it from the Google Play store. So, when hackers infected this once-safe app with ransomware, the results were disastrous.
- It’s not obvious that your phone has been infected with ransomware. Unlike many other types of malware, your phone may not behave abnormally after being infected with ransomware. Some typical signs that your phone has been infected with malware include: your phone suddenly slowing down or crashing, the sudden appearance of pop-up advertisements, or an unexplained spike in data usage. Ransomware, on the other hand, likes to bide its time before attacking. Some strains of ransomware like to take their precious time, lying dormant on your Android for days, weeks, or even months before they strike! That’s why you should run regular virus scans on your phone so that you can catch any dormant malware before it can do real damage.
- Bot-infected apps often behave like regular apps. When Android users have an app infected with ransomware on their phone, it can act totally harmless. At least for a while, that is. To avoid downloading a malicious app, make sure that you only download apps from reputable sources. Read the reviews and avoid any apps with suspicious language or graphics. Even positive reviews can be manipulated which is why regular scans on your phone is crucial.
So, as a final aside to Android users: stay aware, keep DFNDR updated, and act immediately if your phone is acting strangely or becomes infected by using Full Virus Scan to remove any security threats.