1. Net Nanny Social
Net Nanny Social gives you the control to monitor what your children are doing on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Using your online dashboard, you get flags of anything that looks like risky behavior online, as well as updates about your child’s friends and posted photos. The app also tracks what your child is doing on social networks across all of their devices.
2. KuuKla Parental Control
KuuKla lets you set time restrictions for individual apps on your child’s smartphone. Parents set weekly time limits that kids can spend on each app, and when kids reach their time limits, the app is automatically restricted.
3. Screen Time Parental Control App
Like KuuKla, Screen Time lets you manage the amount of time your kids spend online. Specifically, it lets you create restrictions for particular apps while your kids are in school or should be sleeping. It also lets you create checklists for what kids need to complete — homework, chores — and then reward them with extra screen time when they’ve finished these obligations.
4. Kids Place
Kids Place stops your kids from downloading any new apps without your approval. Specifically, the home screen will only display the apps that you’ve approved for your kids’ use. This app is particularly useful if you let your kids play on your phone because you can enable and disable the Kids Place app. When it’s running, your kids can’t call or text any of your contacts.
Keeping your kids safe from seeing all of the nasty corners of the Internet isn’t always easy. But keeping their Android phones safe from malicious attacks and viruses is. Download PSafe Total to provide free Internet protection for all of your Windows and Android devices.