There has been some discussion about delaying the release of the S8 in order to further explore the flaws of the Note 7 — specifically, the issue with the Note 7 bursting into flames or exploding. While this issue is said to be a battery-related problem, more recent articles are suggesting otherwise. It’s for this reason that looking into the problem might prove more beneficial to Samsung in the long run.
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However, some experts think that Samsung may try to release the phone even sooner, rather than delay, in order to close the gap between the S8’s release and the Note 7’s release. This could help Samsung to quickly pick up and move on: they could put the Note 7’s failures in the past (and out of everyone’s head). A quicker release could also help pull in consumers who are on the fence about getting another Samsung device. That way, Samsung won’t lose their customers to the competition.
There are a lot of rumors about what all the S8 might include. It could have a 4K screen, 3D touch, a desktop mode, a much more impressive processor, and an incredible camera. The phone is also likely to be curved.
Samsung always makes a huge splash when they release a new device — their devices have been almost as hyped and coveted as Apple’s new devices. When it comes to high tech devices, it’s definitely exciting that the rest of the market will soon have a good basis for where the industry is heading. Samsung has always done a great job at creating innovative products, while also creating compact and sleek devices. Hopefully, they’ll get the flammable issues behind them with the release of the S8.
]]>Whether you have turned on the news, talked to your friends, or have been on an airplane lately, you know that the Galaxy Note 7 is dangerous. The Samsung phone has been making headlines lately due to its damaged lithium ion batteries overheating to the point of eventually exploding. This problem has cost Samsung an estimated $3 billion in losses through returns and exchanges. However, Galaxy Note 7 owners can’t just head to their local store to give back their cell phone. Instead, Samsung has set up their own recall kit.
Samsung has sent out heat-resistant recall kits to its customers who have purchased a Galaxy Note 7. If you received one of these kits, you know that Samsung is not messing around with its return process. The kit consists of four separate boxes. The box that the phone is supposed to go in is even thermally insulated. Make sure that you wear the provided protective gloves while you are packing up your explosively defective device.
Read More: Everything You Need to Know About the Galaxy Note 7 Recall
The recall kit even says on its outermost box that it is forbidden to transport the Galaxy Note 7 by aircraft. If you have taken a flight recently, during the instructions to switch your phone to “airplane mode” your flight attendant will have said “turn your Galaxy Note 7 off completely.”
Once you have returned your Galaxy Note 7 and have received your new phone, download PowerPRO by PSafe.
If your Galaxy Note 7 has been affected by this recall, please return it as quickly as possible. Do not take it on an aircraft and do not keep it in your home. Return it to Samsung and treat yourself to a new device!
]]>Despite this daunting flaw in the device, there are several pros that are worth noting. First of all, while it has been proven that the phone isn’t fireproof, it is water resistant and won’t short circuit if exposed to liquids. Moreover, the phone is a thing of beauty. It contains a sleek wraparound glass and a stylish stylist called the “S pen” that comes attached to the phone.
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Moreover, the storage has increased 2x from the Edge. While the Edge only contains 32GB of storage space, the Note 7 has 64GB. There is also an ocular iris scanner that is used to unlock your phone. This is a much more efficacious security system, as the PIN number you usually use is susceptible to hacking. There is also a fingerprint scanner if you wish to use your finger in lieu of your eye to unlock your device. Lastly, Samsung flaunts the long lasting battery life that comes with the Note 7.
Unfortunately, there are also some cons to the device that are important to assess — other than catching on fire. First of all, the price tag alone is enough to turn away a good number of customers. Some of the versions of the phone exceed $900! Plus, the iris scanner has been reported as faulty. Several Note users complained about the complexity of this new technology, and they much prefer the simplicity of the PIN number.
Now that I’ve got my phone, how can I make it run at optimal speed?
Download the PSafe Total app. This application contains a variety of tools that will ensure your device is running at its best potential.
For example, The App Manager removes applications that you do not want to keep on your device. It uninstalls the application with just one click and allows you to make a backup.
Moreover, The Game Booster allows for a better experience with device gaming. With this tool, you can allow PSafe Total to optimize your downloaded games whenever you start playing.
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