Variety is the Spice of Life
Stations can become awfully monotonous if you only have one genre of music rotating. This repetitiveness is going to make you get bored of the station very quickly. Thus, adding different genres will allow the Pandora station to diversify the style of your music. If you do not want Pandora to mix up your music genres, then you can uncheck the “add variety” button in settings.
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Be Selective with the Songs You Like
When you upvote every single song you like, then Pandora will play songs that are related to those genres. This can get out of hand, as the range of genres will become so broad that your station won’t be unique anymore. While it is important to diversify your playlist, making it too heterogeneous is just as bad. Finding a happy medium is imperative to having a solid station.
Skip Responsibly
You are only allowed six skips per hour. Don’t abuse this privilege, or you will be stuck listening to awful songs. Allocate these skips throughout the hour so you can skip the songs you absolutely can’t stand. Only allowing yourself one skip per ten minutes will allow you to efficiently use your skips.
I’m Tired of This Track
There’s always that one song that radio stations play over and over again, all day. Pandora has a feature called “I’m Tired of This Track” that allows you to temporarily remove a song from the station. To access this feature, hold your mouse over the album cover presented on the station. There should be an up arrow that appears. Next, there should be an option called “I’m Tired of This Track.” Clicking this will tell Pandora to hold off on playing the song for a while.
Top Android Apps
Two high quality apps for improving the sound quality of music that is played on an android device are Equalizer+ and Poweramp. Both of these apps allow the user to take control of tuning with their EQ features. In addition, they feature bass boost and a number of audio tweaks.
Music Volume EQ and Bass Booster are EQs that allow the user to make adjustments to the sound quality to enhance it with their equalizer functions. Both of these high quality apps are available for free on Google Play.
Noozxoide EIZO-Rewire PRO, available on Google Play, offers a number of sound enhancements for those who are into music. This a great app for those who really know about sound quality. Viper4Androis Audio Effects offers great sound enhancement to those who have root access on their android device. This app features one of the best equalizers that you can find as well as a variety of presets to enhance the listener’s enjoyment.
PSafe and Top Music Apps
PSafe offers security and performance solutions to mobile device users to enhance the user experience while keeping the user’s device safe from malicious threats. PSafe products can be used in conjunction with top music apps in order to speed up internet connections, enhance the memory capability of the device, prevent the device from overheating, and prevent threats from affecting the device.
PSafe Total can enhance a user’s experience while using some of the top apps to improve the sound quality of their music by speeding up the internet connection with its Internet Booster feature. In addition, the Memory Booster feature allows the user to optimize the storage space that is available on the device allowing the user to download more top apps for improving music’s sound quality. The CPU Cooler feature keeps the device from overheating no matter how long the user is listening to music on the device.
The PSafe PowerPRO helps to maximize the battery life of the device this allows the user the ability to listen to music for long periods of time without the need for charging the device.