Mobile Phones a Target
Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report states that almost 90% of 2015 hacks used a vulnerability that has been in existence since 2002. Why are mobile phones becoming such a target? Consider all of the data that flows in and out of the typical mobile phone.
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While not every company supplies its workforce with mobile phones, most employees carry one — and they may access company information, social networks, do a bit of web browsing, or download new apps from it during a typical workday.
These cellphones carry information for a slew of websites. They are typically always connected to the internet — and are capable of recording through audio and video. These kinds of extras are exactly what a thief is looking for. There’s a lot of information packed inside these phones and, for a high-profile target, personal, sensitive information can easily be obtained.
Lacking in Protection
Unlike desktop computers, mobile platforms don’t often possess anti-virus protection. There’s usually no sort of intrusion monitoring service. No one is performing frequent virus scans. At the same time, inexperienced developers are uploading apps that could make them easy to exploit. People use their phones everywhere, for everything, and download apps without thinking twice.
With chargeware and ransomware entering the scene, the problem can only escalate. So, a mobile phone could potentially be attacked, and that attack could go unnoticed for a significant period of time — all while data is being stolen right from under the mobile phone owner’s nose.
Part of the problem is the operating system bundled with some devices — it’s old, outdated, and may never be updated. Another part of the problem is deciding who needs to keep these phones protected. Should it be the responsibility of the network carrier or the operating system developer?
How To Protect Yourself
In a report from Alcatel and Lucent’s Kindsight Security Labs, it is stated that 15 million mobile devices are infected with malware. Consider that number for a moment. How safe is your Android cell phone?
Be proactive. Keep your cell phone safe while browsing the web. Install PSafe Total for advanced antivirus and malware protection. Let your phone stay safe and secure with PSafe.
]]>Once users have clicked on the link, the malware tracks which apps are used most frequently and which are running in the background. If one of those apps (usually WhatsApp, Uber or Google Play) is launched, the malware overlays a phishing page on top of it and then asks the user to input his/her information. The problem is, the overlay is often “nearly identical” to the original app so it can be very challenging for users to recognize. This overlay is very deceptive because the UI screen is only created when the app is launched, emulating the actual app’s appearance in real time. In this way, the malware can persuasively convince users to input confidential information which then gets sent to the C&C servers.
Perpetrators have also used a number of URL shortening services that make the malware harder to detect. FireEye claims that the 30 shortened URLs used to direct users to the malware have been clicked more than 160,000 times. However, the use of these shorteners has made it possible for experts to establish how many different Android devices could possess the malware (Hint: It’s a lot).
Although this malware is adeptly bypassing Android’s security features, there are a few precautions you can take to make sure that your device is safe. The first is to simply make sure you’re not clicking on links that are from unknown sources or contain vague messages. Be cautious when opening any new text messages or emails. You can also download a supplementary security system, like PSafe Total, for extra assurance that your device is secure. PSafe Total can detect the newest types of malware and give your Android devices unparalleled protection against whatever cybercriminals have in store.