Start the School Year off Right by Optimizing Your Device
You’re going to need your phone a lot when school starts this fall. Learn some ways to optimize your phone’s battery and running speed with these simple tweaks.
School is already tough, and you want your phone to help you — not be another frustration on top of everything else. But to keep your phone functioning smoothly, you need to do your part. We’ve already given you ways to better organize your phone. Here, we’ve compiled five great tips to lengthen your phone’s battery life, keep it virus-free, and ensure it’s running quickly.

Get Rid of Data-Hungry Apps
Your phone can only handle so many apps. If you find your phone is slowing down, use PSafe Total’s Memory Booster to see how much memory your apps are taking up. You might want to consider removing any unnecessary apps that you find that are using a lot of data.

Install the Latest Android Firmware
Each iteration of firmware brings improvements for the Android operating system. If your firmware isn’t up-to-date, you should definitely install the newest version for better stability, performance, and connectivity.

Disable Apps You Don’t Need
Your phone comes with plenty of apps from the manufacturer that you don’t want — or need. Go to your app settings and disable the ones that you aren’t using. Don’t uninstall them; it might turn out that your phone needs them to work properly. Disabling them, though, will make sure the apps aren’t draining your phone’s battery life.
Buy a Memory Card with a Higher Speed
Phones with memory cards with low internal memory can often be slow — and can’t store very much data. To speed up your phone, consider replacing your existing memory card with more gigabytes of storage. While you’re at it, you should look for a Class 6 or Class 10 memory card to improve your phone’s performance.

Scrap Your Live Wallpapers
Wallpapers definitely look nice, but they also run through a lot of CPU cycles, which drains your battery life faster. Every time you go to your home screen, you’re activating your live wallpaper, so your only option is to trash it.