Rootnik Malware and What It Means For You
Malware comes in many different forms, but it's always deceptive — and often comes hidden within other apps on the Play Store.
There’s a new type of malware infecting Android devices. It’s being called “Rootnik” and it has infected Android users in multiple different countries. Unfortunately, it is being hidden across many different free apps that can be found on the Google Play Store. Wi-Fi Analyzer, Open Camera, Infinite Loop, HD Camera, and many other applications have been found to have Rootnik embedded within them — and these are just the apps that we know about. Many other apps could also have Rootnik hidden inside of them. It could even be inside an app that you’ve already installed without you even knowing about it — that’s how little is known about it.
Whenever you download a new app, be sure to scan your device for viruses after. This is especially important because of malware like Rootnik, where the number of infected apps is unknown. DFNDR’s Security Scan feature will monitor the various threats as you interact with different websites or attempt to install new applications. It’s able to protect you from threats by preventing them in the first place. It provides this protection to your device storage and your SD card so you’re always protected and never in danger. Click here to run a full virus scan on your device, and check your apps for Rootnik:

Rootnik works in a few different ways. The first thing it does after being installed is to exploit a few different Android vulnerabilities which will allow it to install and uninstall apps without users giving permission or being aware of what it’s doing. It will then install multiple new APK files in the system files. It will steal user information and Wi-Fi and location information, in addition to having the ability to download executable files from distant and remote servers. It can do all of this without you even being aware of it.
Your mobile device is convenient because it’s connected to everything — your private network, email, banking apps, social media, etc. — and contains everything you need to have access to at a moment’s notice. The downside to this is, however, the fact that malicious websites and malware like Rootnik can also infect your device without your knowledge and steal all of this information to profit from it at your expense. It’s not a hopeless situation though; as long as you have a great security app, you can protect yourself from malware like Rootnik.