What You Need to Know About Emerging Cybersecurity Trends
Large companies and institutions have been targeted by hackers, among others. But how much does cybersecurity really matter to the rest of us?
From phishing to DDoS attacks, companies, political figures, and celebrities have all experienced their share. For the average American, though, the threat of a cybersecurity breach doesn’t feel like such a big deal — but it is. So, what can you do? You can start by running regular virus scans on your phone to check for malware that could lead to your data being stolen:

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Criminal Masterminds
At one time, hackers were a mostly solitary bunch. They would steal this info or that and move on to the next victim. Now, however, hackers work together. They use each other’s strengths to attack large organizations, financial institutions, and corporations. What if they target your bank, a place you shop, or some other outlet?
Now that your Internet history is available for sale from your Internet service provider — so they can make money from you without your consent — it becomes another way a hacker can gain personal information. Both of these points mean that you can no longer ignore securing your information or devices to prevent attacks from hackers.
Popular Apps
End-to-end encryption in apps like WhatsApp keep your data safe. It means that your messages are sent to the recipient without anyone else having access. That’s a great thing for everyone who has ever shared a personal bit of info, like a login username and password. But some groups and governments want a back door built in to allow themselves access to your message. Hackers could take advantage of this weakness. Providing a back door gives hackers a way to break in and gobble up whatever information they can get.
Cell Phone Users
You use your cell phone to do everything, from finding directions to the nearest Thai restaurant, to paying for your electric bill, to shopping online for just about everything. Hackers know this, too. The information they steal is more than your name. They can nab your address; they can know where you are located and decide if they want to target your home. They can also grab your logins and passwords, your financial info like your credit card numbers, and even your social security number.