HummingBad Malware Still Affecting Android Users
Dangerous viruses are everywhere, and many of them are hiding in plain sight.
There are viruses everywhere on the Internet. This means that it can be dangerous simply browsing the Internet or installing applications without using antivirus protection. DFNDR’s Full Virus Scan feature can help prevent any threats from being installed on your phone, whether from apps or from the websites you may visit. This prevents dangerous viruses, like HummingBad, from being able to get its claws into your device — and your personal information.
With the proper precautions in place, you won’t have to worry about losing your personal information, or any of your money being stolen from the creator of viruses like HummingBad. This feature provides constant prevention and protection from malware and other various viruses lurking in the Google Play store or on websites. Click here to scan your device for malware now:

HummingBad Continues to Infect Devices
Users that have opted not to have coverage and protection from an antivirus app are still being affected by the dangerous HummingBad virus. This goes for users that don’t update their phone whenever new security and software updates become available, too. This virus can really make their lives difficult. This virus allows the creator to do just about anything on the infected user’s device. It installs itself in the heart of the device and can steal personal information that it then uploads to private servers. This malware can also spy on users at any time. It also attempts to trick users into clicking on ads that help out its parent company, and further damage your device in the process.
There are currently over 10 million people still being affected by this virus, and the worst part is, there could still be many more that are affected. HummingBad is able to hide within devices and remain undetected for a long period of time — unless you have the proper antivirus software installed to locate it. Millions and millions of people have no doubt had banking information, social media information, and other personal data forwarded across the private servers. It’s absolutely dangerous but it’s also extremely stealthy — so make sure that your device is protected.