Categories: Tips & Tutorials

Why You Should Stop Taking Multiple Photos

Family events and social outings can be awesome times to take out your smartphone and start snapping away. Our photos allow us to look back and enjoy a moment once again. But, in our effort to preserve past events, are we killing our device’s future?

Taking photos in rapid succession not only fills up your phone’s storage, but you’re most likely not taking the opportunity for the perfect shot. Instead of waiting for that one well-shot photo, we take half a dozen that is half the standard.

Clear Out Your Duplicate Photographs
Begin to declutter your phone by removing the duplicate photos you’ve been storing on your device. Use something such as dfndr performance’s Duplicate Photos feature to identify and remove duplicates. And the best part? You get the choice to pick which pics to keep.

Don’t forget to empty the trash once your excess photos have been deleted – otherwise, they will just be sitting around continuing to take up space. Here are some additional tips on how to manage your smartphone photos.

Read More: How Clutter Can Slow Down Your Phone Without You Knowing It

Understand Cameras Better
Before you dive into a move zen approach of capturing the world around you, it’s important to remember that more modern up to date Android smartphones such as the Google Pixel 2, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, LG G6, and Huawei Mate 10 Pro, all deliver superb photographic performance.  Mobile photos have received the short end of the stick in the past with poor sensors and slow lenses. These days, as long as you have sufficient light, you shouldn’t have to worry about your photos coming out blurry or full of digital noise.

Take a Breath Then Take The Shot
Set aside the rapid-fire approach that we have all become accustomed to in the digital age and think back to when, and if, you ever used a film camera. We took our time, we lined up our shot, and we took one photograph — why? Because we were always afraid of running out of film! We recommend carrying over the technique of concentration and trust within yourselves to capture more meaningful moments with better methods.

When you’re trying to capture your next photo, hold up your device and wait a moment. Look through the viewfinder, see where the edges of the photo lineup, and where your subject is. By using basic photography techniques, and a bit of patience you can take better photos while saving gigabytes of space on your smartphone.

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