Drammer Attack Threatens Millions of Android Users
Check your phone to make sure this widespread attack hasn’t harmed you.
Google has recently discovered a new security threat that could leave your Android device exposed to hackers. Much like the Linux-based attack known as Rowhammer, Drammer is a particularly pernicious form of malware that allows hackers to gain full access to your phone by first targeting a specific memory chip. Because of this security loophole, all PSafe users who have downloaded apps recently should click below immediately to remove threats.

For the most part, the attack is transmitted through an app that contains harmful code. Once the app is downloaded, it can repeatedly activate a specific row of memory chip transistors to cause a bit flip (a switch of states from 1 to 0 and/or 0 to 1). Since all data is written in binaries, having the ability to change values for stored information is the equivalent of successfully picking a lock.
According to Emilio Simoni, PSafe’s Security Manager, checking the app permissions before downloading them does not work, because the malware does not need any permission to perform this kind of attack. “We strongly advise users to download apps only in Google Play, and check if the app is well recommended,” he says.
With PSafe Total’s Quick AV Scan active and running, any threats to your phone will be immediately detected and removed. Click below to check if